Sunday, October 4, 2015

Finally this injury is paying off...and Fall is the best.

Annnd this is why I absolutely love fall:
Finally we have a weekend free. We had an impromptu fire at our house last night. Set up an open invitation for any and everyone to come join us. This ended up being our favorite family of 8, The Johnson's and  3 other groups of friends. The kids played hide and go seek in the dark, glow sticks made it extra fun. Had caramel dipped apples, and of course s'mores! Besides the caramel covered windows and door handles, I call this a success.
We woke up with Saturday morning snuggles and I knew the day would be great. After breakfast we started a new chore routine, we'll see how it works. I put the various chores in a bowl and had everyone pick. Allison picked vacuum, Laureate picked laundry (lucky for her it was already washed and folded-she just had to put it away), Phil picked bathrooms, and I got dusting! I feel like I won that transaction. In about 45mins the house was beautiful. Hopefully next week will be just as easy.
I have fond Saturday morning memories cleaning the house while my mom danced around to blasting music.

Since we are being spontaneous, how about a trip to the apple orchard?

 It was chilly up on the hill so we bundled up. 

Climbing the ladder is their favorite part. 

This slide was ridiculous. The giggles never stopped.

We grabbed some chili ingredients on the way home and made apple pie, apple crisp and turkey veggie chili!
My house smells amazing!

Our night was complete with a sleepover with my two favorite snuggle bugs.

We started off our morning pretty early, I wont point fingers but it was probably because of these two.

Festival of races is an awesome end of the year race to get some PR's in. I wasn't counting on it this year because of this long lasting injury. I've been feeling great lately so I went for it!

Success!! good bye 25:34 (8:14) and hello 24:28 (7:46)

Enough about me, what about Miss Allison? My husband? We all did fantastic!!
This was Allison's first 3k, she's only been running the 1/2 mile fun runs and once a mile fun run. this time...3K, yahoo.

9:21pace for my speedy little girl, super proud mom right here.

Post-run snacks!

Just to finish off this amazingness, Phil and I got 2nd place for husband and wife team. These socks are getting worn daily!

What are your fall favorites?
Any other PR's out there??


  1. Well, I didn't PR this weekend but given my lack of training I'm happy with my 2:03:19 chip time at the Wineglass Half Marathon! And my last three miles were the fastest. That right there is an accomplishment for me!

    Congrats on your PR at the festival of races!

    1. Having enough energy to push it at the end is were its at! Great job!!
