Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Starting off too fast?

I absolutely love that I'm able to run again! Just two weeks til my marathon, well my downgraded 1/2 Marathon!! Its so exciting that I get to run at all. I did ten miles at an easy 10 min pace with my favorite running partner Julie.

She signed up for Niagara Falls Marathon with me. Her and my husband will have to go on with out me. I'm sure they'll keep each other entertained for the entire 4 hours! My goal for Boston is still alive so I'm trying to schedule an early spring marathon, say March/April, and then an early fall one right before Boston registration opens up. Lets see if I can hit that 3:40 mark.

I'm feeling a bit nervous as I write this because after the ten I did on Thursday
I did a fast 8 miles (8:40 pace) on Saturday

Then a slow 5 on Monday (electronic free-no watch or music) while the kidos biked.

 Now a slight twinge is felt in that stupid spot on my leg. Lucky for me I have a date scheduled with Dr. Gomez and Brent this week. I'm sure they'll know just the right thing to do to heal me up. Brent will probably shake his head at me for running 23 miles right after he told me I could run again...Sorry Brent I cant help it! I wont run any more til I see them but will definitely do the stretching and core work as I was instructed.

Happy Running!

Any suggestions on Spring or Fall marathons?


  1. Buffalo in late May! I'm signed up for the half.

  2. Buffalo was my first full! It's a great course, especially the second half. I'd like to do one out of state if I can (since I'm trying to run either a 1/2 or full in each state). There's one in D.C (I know-its not a state), Virgina beach, and NJ coast in April....hmmm decisions, decisions.
    I think I'll sign up for lake effect with you...I miss you guys already!!
