Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Long pause

It's super cold out today, so it only seems natural that I cancel my run and eat a bowl of ice cream....This is how my life has been lately and it's pretty great. Marathon training doesn't start until mid February so I can slack just a couple more times.

 These last couple of  weeks have been a whirlwind. Let's recap birthday girl #2 turned 8, crazy right? I was able to get out of work on time and finish the last 30 mins of school with her second grade class. I brought cupcakes ( 2 mini ones each) and was the hero of the day! It was awesome to watch how Allison interacts with her classmates, she's so funny and confident. She left school to spend a couple hours with her dad and when she got home we had our own party. 

When I was a kid I'd kill to eat my cake like this...she's so lucky ;) 

Then some strength training for me.

The following weekend we invited some elves over for some candy cane and gingerbread martinis.

They got to work on the gift wrapping and card writing and my 'to do' list suddenly got smaller. 

What's a holiday season without an ugly sweater party? That happened sat night which we wrapped up pretty early (I had a Sunday am run scheduled) This is Brendan to my left, and this was her first 5k after her knee surgery, she's super excited! I went on to run 4.5 more afterwards for a total of 7.5.

Followed by our Holiday party for the Doc's and NP's/PA'S of the ICU. It was a beautiful dinner and a huge turn out. All 31 seats were filled. I put a lot of work into making this a success and IT WAS!

Christmas week was crazy as usual, I worked 2 (8's) and 2 (12's), handled frantically excited girls, and super cleaned the house for the arrival of our guests. I'm so grateful to be hosting Christmas this year. The downside is that I worked until 7pm on Christmas Eve, nice host right? Well my in laws are fantastic they made themselves right at home and Phil had dinner on the table and a glass of wine for my hand as soon as I walked in the door. The girls played with aunt Rachel and uncle D and quickly it was bedtime. Some cookies for Santa, carrots for the reindeer and a reading of Twas the night before Christmas was the perfect ending. We 'adults' stayed up to chat a little longer and suddenly the tree was filled with gifts. 

Christmas morning was filled with flying wrapping paper, cinnamon rolls, cotton candy, giggles and smiles. 

Dad was late to pick them up which gave us extra tree climbing hide n seek time. The weather was beautiful! 

We made some pasta fragole for dinner later, and walked the lights on the lake and took some fun pics.

We finished off the night with some board games and more chatter.
The next day I went for a lovely run; we did a little wine tasting, had some lunch before we picked up the girls for the rest of the weekend.

 Family time rejuvenates my soul!!

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