Friday, September 4, 2015

Be creative

When you don't have 'time' to train...Be creative! I rushed home from work to spend the last 45 mins with my girls before they left for dads for the next two days. We did some playing and cleaning and with a blink of the eye they were off.

I changed out of my scrubs into my running gear and blasted the music from my shuffle.

 My awesome husband set up a mix playlist of great pop songs...the only problem with that is, I tend to dance while I run which looks funny and singing out loud is a must! I could only fit in 3 miles before pre-school orientation. Which I was greatful for because 85 is wayyyy to hot!
I jumped on my bike and road to the school and met my husband, the girls and their father out front.

I'm grateful that we can put our differences aside and be a family for those girls! We spent the next hour finding all the cool places throughout the school-it was a scavenger hunt filled with lots of play. The gym was my favorite. When we found Laureate's classroom and met her teacher, she was welcomed with great love. Miss Monica was Allison's pre school teacher 3 years prior and recognized us right away. Her and the teachers aids couldn't believe how big and grown up Allison has become and neither can I. The hour of 'playtime' quickly came to an end and I said my goodbyes and goodnights with giant hugs and sweet kisses.

I cant get enough of this face

Phil and I rode our bikes from the school to wegmans, grabbed dinner and then peddled home. I can be very indecisive when it comes to food. I never know what I want to eat, its super frustrating for everyone involved. Wegmans gives me so many choices, I never leave disappointed...I love this place!

We should make an effort to ride more places's really good for my soul.

Altogether 3 mile run and 8 mile bike. I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. I love biking with you!

    Frustrating is one word for it...
