Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's as exciting as Christmas!

The past couple of mornings have been good for my soul. Super cool, clear skies, invigorating scent. Fall is happening. It's a shame I only get a few moments to enjoy it while walking up the hill to the Hospital. This is my favorite time of year!! You literally get to choose between cool running mornings or hot running days because it easily fluctuates between 60-80.
I just looked up the weather for the Adirondack Ragnar this weekend and felt the chill...low of 39 at night?! Get real.

It's time to pull out the long sleeve running clothes and the fleeced lined pants (I'm not kidding).

Well since I started, I might as well pack for this weekend. THREE MORE DAYS. I'm actually shouting I'm so excited.Ill give you a sneak peak...

So what does one need to prepare for a 200 mile run?
11 other friends-Check
Two vans-Check (Thanks Stephanie for the use of your awesome van!! 5 of my friends are super lucky and the other 6 are jealous!!)
Van window paint to decorate with clever sayings and hashtags-Check (still working on the hashtags)
Can't top this one from last year (Our name was Your pace or mine? YPOM)-still laughing-I'm hilarious

Three running outfits enclosed in their own gallon bag-this keeps them separate, easy to find and is a good place to put the sweaty stinky ones when you're done, trust me your van mates will thank you-Check

Deodorant, handiwipes, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper- check, check, check-oh yes! A must!
Picture this...It's 4 am and you're extra drowsy from running for the past 18 hours, you enter the porta potty after waiting in a line that's 10 people deep. You forgot your headlamp so its barely visible in there and Bam! They are out of toilet paper...This will never happen to me AGAIN!!

Safety vest and headlamp/taillight-Check
Flip flops-Check
 Ragnar apparel-hats and shirts to support the race you're doing-We LOVE Ragnar!

Sleeping bag-makes a gym floor/ice rink/barn/beach way more inviting-Check
(photo courtesy of last years nap time)

Peanut butter and jelly-this has saved me more than once, when the nausea sets in and you really cant eat but you're up to run 8 more miles-check

Don't forget the glow sticks, glow bracelets, Christmas lights for the van...anything that sets you apart from the runners in the pitch black--checkity check

Oh geez...I almost forgot a winter hat, gloves, and blanket...It's going on the to do list now!

 Annnnd done!

Lastly...Hiking boots, camelbak-We end the race in Lake placid-Who doesn't want to wear their newly earned Ragnar shirt on the top of a high peak??


  1. I love this! Did you pack for me too?! ;-)

  2. I want the choice of running in cool or hot weather. It's only one temperature here, HOT!!!
