Saturday, September 19, 2015

Do what Brent says...

As I've outlined in Gah!
I've turned to Brent for all my healing needs. He discovered my issue right away with my functional movement assessment. This is what he had to say:
You need to build your strength. You're training program isn't progressing through using a traditional training approach. Training stress (volume and intensity) were not appropriately following a progression curve supported by your structured strength program in order to prepare your body to handle the demands of subsequent training. MTSS is a repetitive stress disorder - the stress is originating from three very probable sources:
1) Biomechanical deficiencies due to sub optimal muscle strength and imbalances in core stability and function (see below (oblique slings) 
2) Inadequate recovery from training bouts and life 
3) Less than optimal programming - need to periodize the training better (translation - poor training habits) 
You must exhibit functional fundamental movement and realize that entry level strength is imperative to the goals of your training program. Strength is the master quality.
 If you want to run fast and pain free then be strong.

Strength is what all physical qualities are developed upon. Without it and you're adding fitness, volume and intensity on top of a weak and dysfunctional body - the results will be marginal at best, and reoccurring injuries are highly probable. Bam! he hit the nail on the head!

Brent says...In the end my objective is to recondition your body and work towards to achieving your goals while preventing any major setbacks or attempting to strive for too much too early. 

The time line of when all these great things will come together is influenced by too many variables and thus is nearly impossible to say. Nonetheless, in less than 4 weeks you will begin to feel better. 

Observations of my assessment:
Left Lower Leg Dysfunction - compensation patterns at the ankle joint due to the following: 
Left Internal Oblique - weak
Right External Oblique weak
Left QL (quadratus longissimus) - too strong
Left Glute- weak / gluteal amnesia 
Left External rotators - short and strong 

Right Oblique Sling - weak 
Left Posterior Oblique Sling - weak

So what do I do? 
Week one:
Exercises - The Muscle Energy Technique for left hip: Lie on your back and cross your left ankle over your right knee. press your left knee away from you while providing resistance. Then switch place your right ankle on your left knee and pull your knee towards you while providing resistance- do them three times a day. remember, 6 X 10 second reps, @ 50% effort. What you do on Left you don't do on Right - these exercises are side specific.

So what did I do?
Exactly as I was told!! Even at work...want proof?

Do you have an injury that you need evaluated?

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