Sunday, August 23, 2015


We are always looking for new ways to improve on our health and fitness. By 'we' I mean Phil and I. So he found this 8 week challenge and proposed it to a social media group we belong to called accountable health. 

We decided to wager $20 per person which makes the pot worth $ you can see not very many people we're feeling competitive (5 of us total). Most of the excuses for refusal were: It's summer and we are going on vacation soon, or I don't want to change my current routine, or no I'd never win with you guys. (We can get pretty competitive!)
I was the only girl in the competition and coming in already sorta fit, with not much weight to loose, I was worried I'd definitely come in last. I could benefit from the other aspects of this specific competition, so I gave it a go.

As you can see, you gain points through diet-3 veggies per day, 2 fruit servings per day and most importantly you loose points for eating sweets and junk food. The good news is you get one cheat day per week making you very focused on where those cheats are going to fall. Usually I banked them for dinners out with friends.
Along with diet, exercise was incorporated. You earned points for cardio 5 days per week and strength training 3 days per week. The punishment with this amount of activity happens if you slack on exercise at the beginning of the week. You are guaranteed to be working out over the weekend.
Some great things happened over this 8 week period:
Dan, my brother in law created this awesome gym in his basement. 

Phil hit the 1000 mile mark on his bicycle. 

Greg got engaged.

 David was the leader of the challenge most of the way, he was our target to beat.

I hit some great milestones- fastest half marathon training run 1:55, and gaining mileage of 30 miles/week. I ate really good and definitely was successful with upping my water intake.

My determination and commitment paid off....LITERALLY!

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