Sunday, August 9, 2015

My turning point

My turning point...
I was feeling discouraged, after about three weeks of rest including a lovely weekend getaway with just the girls!

We went to Atlantic city. Spent some quality time with the beach.
I got to hold the moon!
And lots and lots of board walking.
I wasn't feeling better yet. My friend Sarah is a massage therapist and we discussed my issues. Although I've gotten a sports massage shortly after my injury it didn't seem to do anything. So Sarah got me right in.
She was AMAZING, I'm not saying that because we are friends. I'm saying that because literally getting off the table I noticed a difference, and the next day and the next. I'm walking without pain, and so very tempted to run up the stairs at work (like a little kid) but holding back. I'm going to see her in two weeks and then schedule monthly massages.
If I'm going to train so hard and push the limits, I need to take care of my body...Thanks Sarah!! 
If you need a massage I encourage you to make an appointment.

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